Source code for atsim.potentials._lammpsWriteEAM

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import math
import os

from io import StringIO

import sys

from ._eam_potential import EAMPotential # noqa

def _writeHeader(outfile, nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, title, atomicNumber, mass, latticeConstant, latticeType):
  print(title, file=outfile)
  print(u"%d %f %f %s" % (atomicNumber, mass, latticeConstant, latticeType), file=outfile)
  print(u"%d %f %d %f %f" % (nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff), file=outfile)

def _writeValueBlock(outfile, values):
  numbertemplate = u" % 20.16e"
  i = 0
  for value in values:
    i +=1
    if value == None :
      if i != 1:
      i = 0

    outfile.write(numbertemplate % value)

    if i % 5 == 0:
      i = 0

def _writeSetFLHeader(nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, eampots, comments, out):
  #Line 1-3: comments
  workout = StringIO()

  newcomments = list(comments)
  newcomments.extend(['', '', ''])
  newcomments = newcomments[:3]

  print(os.linesep.join(newcomments), file=workout)

  #Line 4: ntypes
  ntypes = [u"%d" % len(eampots)]
  typestrings = [ eampot.species for eampot in eampots ]
  ntypes = u" ".join(ntypes)

  print(ntypes, file=workout)

  #Line 5: nrho drho nr dr rcutoff
  numbertemplate = u" %20.16e"
  templ = u"%%d %s %%d %s %s" % ((numbertemplate,)*3)
  print(templ % (nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff), file=workout)

  #Dump everything into out

#Writes elementblock header
def _writeSetFLElementHeader(eampot, out):
  workout = StringIO()
  print(u"%d %20.16e %20.16e %s" % (eampot.atomicNumber, eampot.mass, eampot.latticeConstant, eampot.latticeType), file=workout)

#Writes element block embedding function
def _writeSetFLEmbeddingFunction(nrho, drho, eampot, out):
  workout = StringIO()
  for i in range(nrho):
    rho = float(i)*drho
    val = eampot.embeddingFunction(rho)
    print(u"% 20.16e" % val, file=workout)

def _writeDensityFunction(func, nr, dr, out):
  for i in range(nr):
    r = float(i)*dr
    val = func(r)
    print(u"% 20.16e" % val, file=out)

#Writes single density function to element block
def _writeSetFLDensityFunction(eampot, eampots, nr, dr, out):
  workout = StringIO()
  _writeDensityFunction(eampot.electronDensityFunction, nr, dr, workout)
  #Dump into out

#Writes multiple density functions (one per element) for each element block
def _writeSetFLDensityFunctionFinnisSinclair(eampot, eampots, nr, dr, out):
  workout = StringIO()

  for otherpot in eampots:
    densFunc = otherpot.electronDensityFunction[eampot.species]
    _writeDensityFunction(densFunc, nr, dr, workout)

  #Dump into out

def _writeSetFLPairPots(nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out, scale_r = True):
  workout = StringIO()

  def pairkey(a,b):
    k = [a,b]
    return tuple(k)

  class ZeroPair(object):
    def energy(self, rij):
      return 0.0
  zeroPair = ZeroPair()
  #Make a dictionary of available pair pots
  pairpotsdict = {}
  for pp in pairpots:
    pairpotsdict[pairkey(pp.speciesA,pp.speciesB)] = pp

  #Make list of required pots
  for i in range(len(eampots)):
    for j in range(i+1):
      k = pairkey(eampots[i].species, eampots[j].species)
      pp = pairpotsdict.get(k, zeroPair)

      for k in range(nr):
        r = float(k) * dr
        val =
        if scale_r:
          val *= r
        print(u"% 20.16e" % val, file=workout)

def _writeSetFL(
  nrho, drho,
  nr, dr,

  workout = StringIO()
  _writeSetFLHeader(nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, eampots, comments, workout)

  #Write element block
  for eampot in eampots:
    eleblockout = StringIO()
    _writeSetFLElementHeader(eampot, eleblockout)
    _writeSetFLEmbeddingFunction(nrho, drho, eampot, eleblockout)
    writeDensityFunction(eampot, eampots, nr, dr, eleblockout)

  #Write pair potentials
  _writeSetFLPairPots(nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, workout)

  #Dump working output file into out

[docs]def writeFuncFL( nrho, drho, nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out = sys.stdout, title = ""): """Creates a DYNAMO ``funcfl`` formatted file suitable for use with lammps `pair_style eam <>`_ potential form. For the `pair_style eam/alloy <>`_ see :func:`~atsim.potentials.writeSetFL`. .. seealso :: For a working example using this function see :ref:`eam_example_1` :param nrho: Number of points used to describe embedding function :type nrho: int :param drho: Step size between rho values used to describe embedding function :type drho: float :param nr: Number of points used for the pair-potential, and density functions :type nr: int :param dr: Step size between r values in effective charge and density functions :type dr: float :param eampots: List containing a single :class:`~atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` instance for species to be tabulated. :type eampots: list :param pairpots: List containing a single :class:`~atsim.potentials.PairPotential` instance for the X-X interaction (where X is the species represented by EAMPotential in ``eampots`` list) :type pairpots: list :param out: Python file object to which eam table file will be written :type out: file object :param title: Title to be written as table file header :type title: str""" cutoff = dr * (nr - 1) eampot = eampots[0] pairpot = pairpots[0] workingfile = StringIO() _writeHeader(workingfile, nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, title, eampot.atomicNumber, eampot.mass, eampot.latticeConstant, eampot.latticeType) #Build a combined list of values rhos = [ float(x) * drho for x in range(nrho) ] embeds = [ eampot.embeddingFunction(rho) for rho in rhos] separations = [ float(x) * dr for x in range(nr) ] densities = [ eampot.electronDensityFunction(sep) for sep in separations] # Use pair potential to calculate energy * separation in ev Å charges = [*sep for sep in separations] # convert these into units of hartree * bohr radius charges = [ charge * 1.0/27.2 * 1.0/0.529 for charge in charges ] # TODO: If more precise conversion values used, answers diverge from that given by GULP hence why following line commented. # charges = [ charge * 1.0/27.2116 * 1.0/0.529177249 for charge in charges ] # to support mixing rules take the sqrt of these values charges = [ math.sqrt(charge) for charge in charges ] embeds.append(None) charges.append(None) valuelist = [] valuelist.extend(embeds) valuelist.extend(charges) valuelist.extend(densities) _writeValueBlock(workingfile, valuelist) #Dump working file into out out.write(workingfile.getvalue())
[docs]def writeSetFL( nrho, drho, nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out = sys.stdout, comments = ["", "", ""], cutoff = None): """Creates EAM potential in the DYNAMO ``setfl`` format. This format is suitable for use with the ``LAMMPS`` `pair_style eam/alloy <>`_. .. seealso :: For a working example using this function see :ref:`eam_example_2a` :param nrho: Number of points used to describe embedding function :type nrho: int :param drho: Increment used when tabulating embedding function :type drho: float :param nr: Number of points used to describe density and pair potentials :type nr: int :param dr: Separation increment used when tabulating density function and pair potentials :type dr: float :param eampots: Instances of lammps.writeEAMTable.EAMPotential() which encapsulate information about each species :type eampots: list :param pairpots: Instance of potentials.Potential, these describe repulsive pair potential component of EAM potential :type pairpots: list :param out: Python file object into which EAM potential data should be written :type out: file object :param comments: List containing three strings, these form the header of the created file :type comments: list :param cutoff: Pair potential and density cutoff, if None then value of ``nr`` * ``dr`` is used. :type cutoff: float """ if not cutoff: cutoff = nr*dr #Specialise _writeSetFL to use _writeSetFLDensityFunction to write a single density function _writeSetFL( nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, eampots, pairpots, comments, out, _writeSetFLDensityFunction)
[docs]def writeSetFLFinnisSinclair( nrho, drho, nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out = sys.stdout, comments = ["", "", ""], cutoff = None): """Creates Finnis-Sinclar EAM potential in the DYNAMO ``setfl`` format. The format should be used with the ``LAMMPS`` `eam/fs pair_style <>`_. The :class:`~atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` instances within the ``eampots`` list are expected to provide individual density functions for each species pair in the species being tabulated. See :meth:`atsim.potentials.EAMPotential.__init__` for how these are specified to the :class:`atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` constructor. .. seealso :: For a working example using this function see :ref:`eam_example_3a` :param nrho: Number of points used to describe embedding function :type nrho: int :param drho: Increment used when tabulating embedding function :type drho: float :param nr: Number of points used to describe density and pair potentials :type nr: int :param dr: Separation increment used when tabulating density function and pair potentials :type dr: float :param eampots: Instances of lammps.writeEAMTable.EAMPotential() which encapsulate information about each species :type eampots: list :param pairpots: Instance of potentials.Potential, these describe repulsive pair potential component of EAM potential :type pairpots: list :param out: Python file object into which EAM potential data should be written :type out: file object :param comments: List containing three strings, these form the header of the created file :type comments: list :param cutoff: Pair potential and density cutoff. If None then value of ``nr`` * ``dr`` is used. :type cutoff: float""" if not cutoff: cutoff = nr * dr #Specialise _writeSetFL to use _writeSetFLDensityFunctionFinnisSinclar to write multiple density functions _writeSetFL( nrho, drho, nr, dr, cutoff, eampots, pairpots, comments, out, _writeSetFLDensityFunctionFinnisSinclair)