Source code for atsim.potentials.config._config_parser

import configparser
import re
import collections

import pyparsing

from ._common import PotentialFormSignatureTuple, \
  PotentialFormTuple, \
  SpeciesTuple, \
  PairPotentialTuple, \
  PotentialFormInstanceTuple, \
  MultiRangeDefinitionTuple, \
  PotentialModifierTuple, \
  EAMFSDensitySpeciesTuple, \
  EAMEmbedTuple, \
  EAMDensityTuple, \

from ._common import ConfigParserException
from ._common import ConfigParserMissingSectionException, ConfigParserDuplicateEntryException

from ._multi_range_parser import multi_range_parser

def _get_or_none(k, d, t):
  v = d.get(k, None)
  if not v is None:
      v = t(v)
    except ValueError:
      msg = "Could not convert configuration option [{section_name}].{attr_name} into '{type}'. Value is = {value}".format(
        section_name =, 
        value = v, 
        attr_name = k)
      raise ConfigParserException(msg)
  return v

[docs]ConfigParserOverrideTuple = collections.namedtuple("ConfigParserOverrideTuple", ["section", "key", "value"])
[docs]class ConfigOverrideException(ConfigParserException): pass
[docs]class ConfigOverrideDuplicateException(ConfigOverrideException, ConfigParserDuplicateEntryException): pass
class _TabulationCutoff(object): def __init__(self, cutoff_name, nr_attr='nr', dr_attr = 'dr', cutoff_attr = 'cutoff'): self._cutoff_name = cutoff_name self._nr_attr = nr_attr self._dr_attr = dr_attr self._cutoff_attr = cutoff_attr self._template_dict = dict( cutoff = self._cutoff_attr, nr = self._nr_attr, dr = self._dr_attr) def create_cutoff(self, cp_tabulation_section): tclass = collections.namedtuple(self._cutoff_name, [self._nr_attr, self._cutoff_attr]) nr = None cutoff = None if cp_tabulation_section: nr,cutoff = self._init_cutoff(cp_tabulation_section) return tclass(nr, cutoff) def _init_cutoff(self, cp_tabulation_section): nr = _get_or_none(self._nr_attr, cp_tabulation_section, int) dr = _get_or_none(self._dr_attr, cp_tabulation_section, float) cutoff = _get_or_none(self._cutoff_attr, cp_tabulation_section, float) if nr and dr and cutoff: raise ConfigParserException("'{cutoff}', '{nr}' and '{dr}' cannot all be spcified in [Tabulation] section of potential definition.".format(**self._template_dict)) elif nr and dr: # Set cutoff cutoff = (nr-1)*dr elif cutoff and dr: # Set nr nr = (cutoff/dr) + 1 nr = int(nr) elif not dr is None: raise ConfigParserException("'{dr}' cannot be specified without either '{nr}' or '{cutoff}' in [Tabulation] section of potential definition.".format(**self._template_dict)) if not nr is None and nr <= 0: raise ConfigParserException("'{nr}' in [Tabulation] section of potential definition cannot be 0 (zero) or negative.".format(**self._template_dict)) if not dr is None and dr <= 0: raise ConfigParserException("'{dr}' in [Tabulation] section of potential definition cannot be 0 (zero) or negative.".format(**self._template_dict)) if not cutoff is None and cutoff <= 0: raise ConfigParserException("'{cutoff}' in [Tabulation] section of potential definition cannot be 0 (zero) or negative.".format(**self._template_dict)) return nr, cutoff class _TabulationSection(object): """Represents the [Tabulation] section of a config file""" _target_synonyms = { 'lammps_eam_alloy' : 'setfl', 'DL_POLY' : 'DLPOLY' } def __init__(self, cp): self._target = None self._cutoff = None self._nr = None self._init_from_config(cp) def _init_from_config(self, cp): self._init_cutoff(cp) # Tabulation section not defined if not cp.has_section('Tabulation'): return self._init_target(cp) def _init_cutoff(self, cp): if cp.has_section('Tabulation'): tabulation_section = cp['Tabulation'] else: tabulation_section = None r_cutoff = _TabulationCutoff('R_Cutoff').create_cutoff(tabulation_section) density_cutoff = _TabulationCutoff('Density_Cutoff', 'nrho', 'drho', 'cutoff_rho').create_cutoff(tabulation_section) self._r_cutoff = r_cutoff self._density_cutoff = density_cutoff def _init_target(self, cp): target = _get_or_none('target', cp['Tabulation'], str) # For convenience some targets can be specified with more than one value. # these are stored in the _target_synonums dict. Check this now. target = self._target_synonyms.get(target, target) self._target = target @property def target(self): return self._target @property def cutoff(self): return self._r_cutoff.cutoff @property def nr(self): return @property def cutoff_rho(self): return self._density_cutoff.cutoff_rho @property def nrho(self): return self._density_cutoff.nrho def __repr__(self): return "_TabulationSection(r={target}, cutoff={cutoff}, nr={nr}, cutoff_rho={cutoff_rho}, nrho={nrho})".format( target =, cutoff = self.cutoff, nr =, cutoff_rho = self.cutoff_rho, nrho = self.nrho) class _TableFormSection(object): """Extracts the [Table-Form:NAME] sections from configuration file. These are parsed into TableFormTuple objects which are accessed through the `table_forms` property.""" _section_name_prefix = "Table-Form" _section_name_regex = re.compile("^{}:(.*)$".format(_section_name_prefix)) def __init__(self, cfg_parser): self._cfg_parser = cfg_parser self._table_forms = self._parse_table_forms() def _parse_table_forms(self): table_form_list = [] for section_name in self._cfg_parser.sections(): if self.is_relevant_section(section_name): table_form = self._parse_section(section_name) table_form_list.append(table_form) return table_form_list @classmethod def _parse_name(cls, section_name): m = cls._section_name_regex.match(section_name) name = m.groups()[0] name = name.strip() return name @classmethod def is_relevant_section(cls, section_name): return cls._section_name_regex.match(section_name) != None def _parse_x_y(self, section_name, section): x_string = section["x"] y_string = section["y"] try: x = [float(v) for v in x_string.split()] except ValueError as e: raise ConfigParserException("Error converting value into a float whilst parsing the 'x' entry of '{}': {}".format(section_name, e.args[0])) try: y = [float(v) for v in y_string.split()] except ValueError as e: raise ConfigParserException("Error converting value into a float whilst parsing the 'y' entry of '{}': {}".format(section_name, e.args[0])) if len(x) != len(y): raise ConfigParserException("The number of data items given in the 'x' and 'y' entries of '{}' do not match ({} != {})".format(section_name, len(x), len(y))) return (x,y) def _parse_xy(self, section_name, section): xy_string = section["xy"] try: xy = [float(v) for v in xy_string.split()] except ValueError as e: raise ConfigParserException("Error converting value into a float whilst parsing the 'xy' entry of '{}': {}".format(section_name, e.args[0])) if len(xy) % 2 != 0: raise ConfigParserException("The number of data items in 'xy' is not even for '{}'. This indicates a different number of 'x' and 'y' items".format(section_name)) even = True x = [] y = [] for v in xy: if even: x.append(v) else: y.append(v) even = not even return (x,y) @classmethod def check_for_duplicate_table_forms(cls, cfg_parser): seen = {} for section_name in cfg_parser.sections(): if cls.is_relevant_section(section_name): label = cls._parse_name(section_name) seen.setdefault(label, []).append(section_name) for _k, v in seen.items(): if len(v) > 1: msg = "Duplicate '{}' sections found: {}".format( cls._section_name_prefix, ",".join(["'"+str(s)+"'" for s in v])) raise ConfigParserDuplicateEntryException(msg) def _parse_data(self, section_name, section): # First check that we have reasonable combinations of properties # x and y # xy if "x" in section or "y" in section: if not "x" and "y" in section: raise ConfigParserException("Did not find both 'x' and 'y' entries whilst parsing the data for section '{}'".format(section_name)) if "xy" in section: raise ConfigParserException("Data in a {} section can either be given using 'xy' or 'x' and 'y' entries. Not both. For section '{}'".format(self._section_name_prefix, section_name)) data = self._parse_x_y(section_name,section) elif "xy" in section: if "x" in section or "y" in section: raise ConfigParserException("Data in a {} section can either be given using 'xy' or 'x' and 'y' entries. Not both. For section '{}'".format(self._section_name_prefix, section_name)) data = self._parse_xy(section_name, section) else: raise ConfigParserException("Could not parse data from '{}', neither 'xy' or 'x' and 'y' entries found.".format(section_name)) return data def _parse_section(self, section_name): name = self._parse_name(section_name) section = self._cfg_parser[section_name] interpolation = section.get(u"interpolation", u"cubic_spline") x,y = self._parse_data(section_name, section) table_tuple = TableFormTuple( name = name, interpolation = interpolation, x = x, y = y) return table_tuple @property def table_forms(self): return self._table_forms class _ConfigParserDict(collections.OrderedDict): """Dictionary class used by `_RawConfigParser`, this removes whitespace from keys allowing f(x, y) to be equivalent to f(x,y)""" def _key_transform(self, k): k = k.strip().replace(' ', '') k = k.replace('\t', '') return k def __setitem__(self, key, value): key = self._key_transform(key) return super(_ConfigParserDict, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): key = self._key_transform(key) return super(_ConfigParserDict, self).__getitem__(key) def __delitem__(self, key): key = self._key_transform(key) return super(_ConfigParserDict, self).__delitem__(key) class _RawConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser): def __init__(self): super(_RawConfigParser, self).__init__(dict_type = _ConfigParserDict, default_section = "Variables", interpolation = configparser.ExtendedInterpolation()) self._sections = collections.OrderedDict() def optionxform(self, option): option = option.strip() return option
[docs]class ConfigParser(object): """Performs initial stage (tokenizing) of generating a potential model suitable for tabulation functions.""" _signature_re = re.compile(r"^([a-zA-Z]\w*?)\((.*)\)") # Map of sections relevant to ConfigParser # Keys are section keys as the appear to the _config_parser (_RawConfigParser) # Values are attribute names on this class to which those sections relate. _section_map = {'Tabulation' : 'tabulation', 'Pair' : 'pair', 'EAM-Embed' : 'eam_embed', 'Potential-Form' : 'potential_form', 'EAM-Density' : None, 'Table-Form' : 'table_form'} def __init__(self, fp, overrides = [], additional = []): """Construct ConfigParser. :param fp: file object containing configuration data. :param overrides: List of `ConfigParserOverrideTuple` instances defining section, key and values of configuration file entries the should be modified before parsing by this class. :param additional: List of `ConfigParserOverrideTuple` instances defining section, key and value of entries that should be created in the configuration file before parsing by this class.""" self._config_parser = self._init_config_parser(fp, overrides, additional) self._check_for_duplicates() self._tabulation_section = None self._table_form = None self._default_range_start = MultiRangeDefinitionTuple(u">", 0.0) def _init_config_parser(self, fp, overrides, additional): cp = _RawConfigParser() # cp.readfp(fp) try: cp.read_file(fp) except (configparser.DuplicateOptionError, configparser.DuplicateSectionError) as e: raise ConfigParserDuplicateEntryException(e.message) # Process overrides for override in overrides: if not cp.has_option(override.section, override.key): raise ConfigOverrideException( "Entry [{section}]: '{key}' not found in configuration file when processing overrides (value = {value})".format( section = override.section, key = override.key, value = override.value)) if override.value is None: # Remove item cp.remove_option(override.section, override.key) if len(cp[override.section]) == 0: cp.remove_section(override.section) else: cp[override.section][override.key] = override.value # Add additional values for override in additional: if cp.has_option(override.section, override.key): raise ConfigOverrideDuplicateException( "Entry [{section}]: '{key}' already exists in configuration file whilst adding value = {value}".format( section = override.section, key = override.key, value = override.value)) if not cp.has_section(override.section): cp.add_section(override.section) cp[override.section][override.key] = override.value return cp def _check_for_duplicates(self): self._check_for_duplicate_pairs() self._check_for_duplicate_table_forms() def _check_for_duplicate_pairs(self): """Check the config parser for duplicate pair entries""" if self._config_parser.has_section("Pair"): seen = set() for k in self._config_parser["Pair"]: p = self._pair_species_func(k) rev_p = tuple(reversed(list(p))) if (p in seen) or (rev_p in seen): raise ConfigParserDuplicateEntryException("Multiple entries for the pair {A}-{B} found in [Pair] section.".format(A= p[0], B=p[1])) seen.add(p) def _check_for_duplicate_table_forms(self): _TableFormSection.check_for_duplicate_table_forms(self._config_parser) def _descend_potential_modifier(self, modifier_node, sibling_iterator, range_defn): # ... extract modifier name modifier_label = modifier_node['modifier_label'] # ... extract potential_forms params = [] modifier_parameters = modifier_node['modifier_parameters'] for p in modifier_parameters: ptuple = self._descend_tree(iter(p)) params.append(ptuple) n = self._descend_tree(sibling_iterator) ret_tuple = PotentialModifierTuple(modifier = modifier_label, potential_forms = params, start = range_defn, next = n) return ret_tuple def _descend_potential_description(self, curr_node, sibling_iterator, range_defn): # ... extract potential_form potential = curr_node['potential_label'] # ... extract parameters parameters = [p for p in curr_node['potential_parameters']] # ... are there any more (next) n = self._descend_tree(sibling_iterator) # ... build tuple ret_tuple = PotentialFormInstanceTuple( potential_form = potential, parameters = parameters, start = range_defn, next = n) return ret_tuple def _descend_tree(self, tree_it): try: first = next(tree_it) except StopIteration: return None name = first.getName() # Parse tree can start with a range definition # or go straight to a modified instance or potential definition. if name == 'range_start': range_defn = MultiRangeDefinitionTuple( range_type = first['range_type'], start = first['start']) pot = next(tree_it) else: range_defn = self._default_range_start pot = first # pot can be a modified instance or potential definition # If pot is 'modified' then create PotentialModifierTuple if pot.getName() == 'modifier': return self._descend_potential_modifier(pot, tree_it, range_defn) # If pot is 'potential_description' then create PotentialFormInstanceTuple if pot.getName() == 'potential_description': return self._descend_potential_description(pot, tree_it, range_defn) # Shouldn't get here raise Exception("Unknown node type when parsing potential instance description: {}".format(pot.getName())) def _parse_multi_range(self, k, value, tuple_type = PairPotentialTuple): species = k value = value.strip() try: parse_tree = multi_range_parser.parseString(value, parseAll = True) except pyparsing.ParseException as exc: msg = "Error when defining potential instance: '{value}' for species = {species}. {msg} (at char: {loc}).".format( species = species, value = value, loc = exc.loc, msg = exc.msg) raise ConfigParserException(msg) tree_it = iter(parse_tree[0]) potform_instance = self._descend_tree(tree_it) return tuple_type(species, potform_instance) def _parse_label_type_params_line(self, k, value, parse_key_func, tuple_type): if parse_key_func: species_tuple = parse_key_func(k) else: species_tuple = k.strip() return self._parse_multi_range(species_tuple, value, tuple_type) def _pair_species_func(self, k): species_a, species_b = k.split("-") species_a = species_a.strip() species_b = species_b.strip() return SpeciesTuple(species_a, species_b) def _parse_pair_line(self, k, value): try: return self._parse_label_type_params_line(k, value, self._pair_species_func, PairPotentialTuple) except ConfigParserException: raise ConfigParserException("[Pair] potential parameter lines should be of the form 'SPECIES_A-SPECIES_B : POTENTIAL_FORM PARAMS...'") def _parse_eam_line(self, k, value, section_name, tuple_type): try: return self._parse_label_type_params_line(k, value, None, tuple_type) except ConfigParserException: raise ConfigParserException("[{section_name}] parameter lines should be of the form 'SPECIES : POTENTIAL_FORM PARAMS...'".format(section_name = section_name)) def _parse_embed_line(self, k, value): return self._parse_eam_line(k, value, "EAM-Embed", EAMEmbedTuple) def _parse_density_line(self, k, value): return self._parse_eam_line(k, value, "EAM-Density", EAMDensityTuple) def _parse_eam_fs_density_line(self, k, value): def species_func(k): from_species, to_species = k.split("->") from_species = from_species.strip() to_species = to_species.strip() return EAMFSDensitySpeciesTuple(from_species, to_species) try: return self._parse_label_type_params_line(k, value, species_func, EAMDensityTuple) except ConfigParserException as e: section_name = 'EAM-Density' raise ConfigParserException("Error in format of Finnis-Sinclair [{section_name}] parameter line: {exc} (should be of the form 'FROM_SPECIES->TO_SPECIES : POTENTIAL_FORM PARAMS...')".format(exc = str(e), section_name = section_name)) def _parse_potential_form_signature(self, pf): pf = pf.strip() m = self._signature_re.match(pf) if not m: raise ConfigParserException("Invalid function signature found in [Potential-Form]: '{0}'".format(pf)) label, params = m.groups() label = label.strip() params = [p.strip() for p in params.split(',')] return PotentialFormSignatureTuple(label, params, False) def _parse_params_section(self, section_name, parse_line_func): if not self._config_parser.has_section(section_name): raise ConfigParserException("Configuration file does not contain [{section_name}] section.".format(section_name = section_name)) params = [] for k in self._config_parser[section_name]: v = self._config_parser[section_name][k] pair_tuple = parse_line_func(k,v) params.append(pair_tuple) return params
[docs] def parse_pair_like(self, section_name): """Parse a section as if it contains pair potentials. :param section_name: Name of section that should be parsed in the same way as the [Pair] section. :returns: List of tuples of (SpeciesPair, potential_form_label, params) Where params = [p1, p2, ..., pn] and p1 etc are the potential parameters""" return self._parse_params_section(section_name, self._parse_pair_line)
[docs] def pair(self): """Returns the contents of the config file's [Pair] section. :returns: List of tuples of (SpeciesPair, potential_form_label, params) Where params = [p1, p2, ..., pn] and p1 etc are the potential parameters""" return self.parse_pair_like("Pair")
[docs] def potential_form(self): """Return the contents of the config file's [Potential-Form] section. :returns: List of (PotentialFormSignature, formula_string) pairs.""" if not self._config_parser.has_section("Potential-Form"): raise ConfigParserMissingSectionException("Configuration file does not contain [Potential-Form] section.") potential_forms = [] for k in self._config_parser['Potential-Form']: v = self._config_parser['Potential-Form'][k] signature = self._parse_potential_form_signature(k) pf = PotentialFormTuple(signature, v.strip()) potential_forms.append(pf) return potential_forms
[docs] def tabulation(self): """Return the parsed contents of the config file's [Tabulation] section. This defines what type of model (pair, EAM) the config file contains and also how the model should be tabulated. :returns: _Tabulation_Section object""" if self._tabulation_section is None: self._tabulation_section = _TabulationSection(self._config_parser) return self._tabulation_section
[docs] def table_form(self): """Returns parsed content of config file's [Table-Form] section. This allows pre-tabulated data to be used within atsim.potentials. :returns: List of TableFormTuple instance tuples.""" if self._table_form is None: self._table_form = _TableFormSection(self._config_parser).table_forms return self._table_form
[docs] def eam_embed(self): """Return the parsed contents of the configuration file's [EAM-Embed] section. :returns: List of (SPECIES, potential_form_label, params) Where params = [p1, p2, ..., pn] and p1 etc are the embedding function parameters )""" return self._parse_params_section("EAM-Embed", self._parse_embed_line)
[docs] def eam_density(self): """Return the parsed contents of the configuration file's [EAM-Density] section. :returns: List of (SPECIES, potential_form_label, params) Where params = [p1, p2, ..., pn] and p1 etc are the density function parameters )""" return self._parse_params_section("EAM-Density", self._parse_density_line)
[docs] def eam_density_fs(self): """Return the parsed contents of the configuration file's [EAM-Density] section. This assumes Finnis-Sinclair parsing rules. This means that SPECIES (below) is parsed as a `EAMFSDensitySpeciesTuple` with `from_species` and `to_species` attributes. :returns: List of (SPECIES, potential_form_label, params) Where params = [p1, p2, ..., pn] and p1 etc are the density function parameters )""" return self._parse_params_section("EAM-Density", self._parse_eam_fs_density_line)
[docs] def parsed_sections(self): """Returns a list of relevant sections found inside configuration file. Names are returned as the `ConfigParser` attribute names which could be used to access each parsed section. So `[Pair]` becomes `pair` and `[EAM-Density]` is `eam_density`. :returns: List of attribute names representing parseable sections of the configuration file""" sections = [] for section_key, output_key in self._section_map.items(): if output_key and self._config_parser.has_section(section_key): sections.append(output_key) # The EAM-Density section is overloaded for Finnis-Sinclair and regular EAM potentials # if the section's keys contain -> then it's FS if self._config_parser.has_section("EAM-Density"): isFS = False for k in self._config_parser["EAM-Density"]: if "->" in k: isFS = True break if isFS: sections.append("eam_density_fs") else: sections.append("eam_density") return sections
[docs] def orphan_sections(self): """Returns list of section keys, in current configuration file, that are not relevant to the `ConfigParser` :returns: List of section labels.""" sections = [] for section_key in self._config_parser.sections(): if not _TableFormSection.is_relevant_section(section_key ) and not section_key in self._section_map: sections.append(section_key) return sections
[docs] def raw_config_parser(self): return self._config_parser
def _convert_species_type(self, property_name, v): def default(v): return u"{}".format(v) known_properties = { 'atomic_mass' : float, 'atomic_number' : int, 'covalent_radius' : float, 'lattice_constant' : float, 'charge' : float, 'lattice_type' : default} converted = known_properties.get(property_name, default)(v) return converted @property
[docs] def species(self): """Return reference data for atomic species. Data is returned as a dictionary relating each species label to a dictionary mapping property name to propety value. :returns: Dictionary of dictionaries.""" if not self._config_parser.has_section("Species"): return {} d = {} for k in self._config_parser["Species"]: # Split k into SPECIES.PROPERTY_NAME pairs tokens = k.split(".", 1) if len(tokens) == 1: raise ConfigParserException("Error when parsing [Species] section. Keys should be of the form 'SPECIES_LABEL.PROPERTY_NAME'. Invalid key found: '{}'".format(k)) species, property_name = [t.strip() for t in tokens] v = self._config_parser["Species"][k] v = self._convert_species_type(property_name, v) d.setdefault(species, {})[property_name] = v return d