Source code for atsim.potentials.potentialfunctions

"""Functions for different potential forms.

Most of the potentials in this module are implemented as callable _Potential_Function_Bases. The potential energy
is evaluated by calling one of these objects. By convention the first argument of each is the
atomic separation `r`, with other potential parameters following after. For instance, to
evaluate a Buckingham potential at `r` = 2.0 the following could be called for `A`, `rho` and `C` values 
1000.0, 0.2 and 32.0 respectively:

.. code-block:: python

  atsim.potentialfunctions.buck(2.0, 1000.0, 0.2, 32.0)

The callable objects also have other useful methods. Perhaps most importantly is the `.deriv()` method
this returns the first derivative of the given potential (force). Again using the Buckingham potential as
an example its derivative can be evaluated for `r` = 2.0 as follows:

.. code-block:: python

  atsim.potentialfunctions.buck.deriv(2.0, 1000.0, 0.2, 32.0)

See :ref:`list-of-potential-forms` for descriptions of these potential forms.


import math

class _Potential_Function_Base(object):
  is_potential = True

class _buck(_Potential_Function_Base):
  """Callable object for evaluating the Buckingham potential"""

  def _as_sympy(self):
    import sympy
    r, A, rho, C= sympy.symbols("r A rho C")
    return A * sympy.exp(-r/rho) - C/r**6

  def __call__(self, r, A, rho, C):
    """Buckingham potential form

    .. math ::

      U(r_{ij}) = A \exp \left( \\frac{-r_{ij}}{\\rho} \\right) - \\frac{C}{r_{ij}^6}

    :param r: Atomic separation.
    :param A: Buckingham A parameter
    :param rho: Buckingham rho parameter :math:`\\rho`
    :param C: Buckingham C parameter
    :return: Potential energy."""
    return A * math.exp(-r/rho) - (C/r**6)

  def deriv(self, r, A, rho, C):
    """Return derivative of Buckingham potential at `r`.

    :param r: Atomic separation.
    :param A: Buckingham A parameter
    :param rho: Buckingham rho parameter :math:`\\rho`
    :param C: Buckingham C parameter
    :return: Derivative of Buckingham potential at `r`"""
    return (6.0*C)/r**7 - ((A * math.exp(-r/rho))/rho)

  def deriv2(self, r, A, rho, C):
    """Return 2nd derivative of Buckingham potential at `r`.

    :param r: Atomic separation.
    :param A: Buckingham A parameter
    :param rho: Buckingham rho parameter :math:`\\rho`
    :param C: Buckingham C parameter
    :return: Second derivative of Buckingham potential at `r`"""
    return A*math.exp(-r/rho)/rho**2 - 42.0*C/r**8

[docs]buck = _buck()
class _bornmayer(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable object for evaluating Born-Mayer Potential""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, A, rho = sympy.symbols("r A rho") return A * sympy.exp(-r/rho) def __call__(self, r, A, rho): """Born-Mayer potential form .. math :: V(r_{ij}) = A \exp \left( \\frac{-r_{ij}}{\\rho} \\right) :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential parameter :param rho: Potential parameter :math:`\\rho` :return: Potential energy""" return buck(r, A,rho,0.0) def deriv(self, r, A, rho): """Return derivative of Born-Mayer potential form at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential parameter :param rho: Potential parameter :math:`\\rho` :return: Derivative at `r`""" return buck.deriv(r, A, rho, 0.0) def deriv2(self, r, A, rho): """Return 2nd derivative of Born-Mayer potential form at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential parameter :param rho: Potential parameter :math:`\\rho` :return: 2nd derivative at `r`""" return buck.deriv2(r, A, rho, 0.0)
[docs]bornmayer = _bornmayer()
class _coul(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable representing Coulomb potential (including :math:`4\pi \epsilon_0` term)""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, qi, qj = sympy.symbols("r q_i q_j") return (qi * qj)/(4.0*sympy.pi*0.0055264*r) def __call__(self,r, qi, qj): """Coulomb potential (including :math:`4\pi \epsilon_0` term). .. math :: V(r_{ij}) = \\frac{ q_i q_j }{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r_{ij} } .. note:: Constant value appropriate for :math:`r_{ij}` in angstroms and energy in eV. :param r: Atomic separation. :param qi: Charge on species i :param qj: Charge on species j :return: Potential energy""" return (qi * qj)/(4.0*math.pi*0.0055264*r) def deriv(self, r, qi, qj): """Return derivative pf Coulomb potential at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param qi: Charge on species i :param qj: Charge on species j :return: Derivative at `r`""" return -45.2374059061957*qi*qj/(math.pi*r**2) def deriv2(self, r, qi, qj): """Return second derivative pf Coulomb potential at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param qi: Charge on species i :param qj: Charge on species j :return: 2nd derivative at `r`""" return 90.4748118123914*qi*qj/(math.pi*r**3)
[docs]coul = _coul()
class _constant(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable that returns a constant""" def __call__(self,r, constant): """Function that simply returns the value that is passed to it. :param r: Separation. :param constant: The value to be returned by this function. :return: The value passed in as `constant`""" return constant def deriv(self, r, constant): """Returns derivative of this potential form. Here this will always be zero :param r: Separation. :param constant: Constant value :return: Derivative (0.0) """ return 0.0 def deriv2(self, r, constant): """Returns 2nd derivative of this potential form. Here this will always be zero :param r: Separation. :param constant: Constant value :return: 2nd derivative (0.0) """ return 0.0
[docs]constant = _constant()
class _exponential(_Potential_Function_Base): """`exponential` potential type A*r^n""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, A, n = sympy.symbols("r A n") return A*r**n def __call__(self, r, A,n): """General exponential form: .. math:: V(r_{ij}) = A r^n :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param n: n :return: Potential energy""" return A*r**n def deriv(self, r, A, n): """Derivative of `exponential` at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param n: Potentials' B parameter :return: Derivative of `exponential` at `r`""" return A*n*r**(n-1) def deriv2(self, r, A,n): """Second derivative of `exponential` at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param n: Potentials' B parameter :return: 2nd derivative of `exponential` at `r`""" return A*n*(n-1)*r**(n-2)
[docs]exponential = _exponential()
class _hbnd(_Potential_Function_Base): """DL_POLY `hbnd` potential type""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, A, B = sympy.symbols("r A B") return A/r**12 - B/r**10 def __call__(self, r, A,B): """DL_POLY hbnd form: .. math:: V(r_{ij}) = \\frac{A}{r_{ij}^{12}} - \\frac{B}{r_{ij}^{10}} :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param B: Potentials' B parameter :return: Potential energy""" return (A/r**12) - (B/r**10) def deriv(self, r, A,B): """Derivative of `hbnd` at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param B: Potentials' B parameter :return: Derivative of `hbnd` at `r`""" return (10.0*B)/r**11 - (12.0 * A)/r**13 def deriv2(self, r, A,B): """Second derivative of `hbnd` at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param A: Potential A parameter :param B: Potentials' B parameter :return: 2nd derivative of `hbnd` at `r`""" return 2*(78*A/r**2 - 55*B)/r**12
[docs]hbnd = _hbnd()
class _lj(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable for Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, epsilon, sigma = sympy.symbols("r epsilon sigma") return 4.0*epsilon*( (sigma**12/r**12) - (sigma**6/r**6)) def __call__(self, r, epsilon, sigma): """Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential. .. math :: V(r_{ij}) = 4 \epsilon \left( \\frac{\sigma^{12}}{r_{ij}^{12}} - \\frac{\sigma^6}{r_{ij}^6} \\right) :param r: Atomic separation. :param epsilon: Epsilon parameter :math:`\epsilon` :param sigma: Sigma parameter :math:`\sigma` :return: Potential energy""" return 4.0*epsilon*( (sigma**12/r**12) - (sigma**6/r**6)) def deriv(self, r, epsilon, sigma): """Derivative of Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param epsilon: Epsilon parameter :math:`\epsilon` :param sigma: Sigma parameter :math:`\sigma` :return: Derivative of potential at `r`""" return (24.0*epsilon*sigma**6)/r**7 - (48.0*epsilon*sigma**12)/r**13 def deriv2(self, r, epsilon, sigma): """Second derivative of Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential at `r` :param r: Atomic separation. :param epsilon: Epsilon parameter :math:`\epsilon` :param sigma: Sigma parameter :math:`\sigma` :return: 2nd derivative of potential at `r`""" return -168.0*epsilon*sigma**6/r**8 + 624.0*epsilon*sigma**12/r**14
[docs]lj = _lj()
class _morse(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable representing the Morse potential""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy D, gamma, r_star, r = sympy.symbols("D gamma r_star r") return D*(sympy.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r-r_star)) - 2.0*sympy.exp(-gamma*(r-r_star))) def __call__(self, r, gamma, r_star, D): """Morse potential parametrised with gamma, r_star and D. Potential function is (where r is interatomic separation): .. math :: V(r_{ij}) = D \left[ \exp \left( -2 \gamma (r_{ij} - r_*) \\right) - 2 \\exp \left( -\gamma (r - r_*) \\right) \\right] :param r: Atomic separation. :param gamma: Potential parameter :math:`\gamma` :param r_star: Potential parameter :math:`r_*` :param D: Potential parameter :return: Potential energy""" return D*(math.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r-r_star)) - 2.0*math.exp(-gamma*(r-r_star))) def deriv(self, r, gamma, r_star, D): """Evaluate derivative of Morse potential at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param gamma: Potential parameter :math:`\gamma` :param r_star: Potential parameter :math:`r_*` :param D: Potential parameter :return: Derivative of Morse potential at `r`""" return D*(-2.0*gamma*math.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r - r_star)) + 2.0*gamma*math.exp(-gamma*(r - r_star))) def deriv2(self, r, gamma, r_star, D): """Evaluate derivative of Morse potential at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param gamma: Potential parameter :math:`\gamma` :param r_star: Potential parameter :math:`r_*` :param D: Potential parameter :return: Derivative of Morse potential at `r`""" return D*gamma**2*(4.0*math.exp(-2.0*gamma*(r - r_star)) - 2.0*math.exp(-gamma*(r - r_star)))
[docs]morse = _morse()
class _polynomial(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable for polynomials""" def _split_args(self, args): return args[0], args[1:] def __call__(self, *args): """Polynomial of arbitrary order. .. math:: V(r_{ij}) = C_0 + C_1 r_{ij} + C_2 r_{ij}^2 + \dots + C_n r_{ij}^n This function accepts a variable number of arguments - the first is :math:`r_{ij}` and with the remainder being :math:`C_0, C_1, \dots, C_n` respectively. :return: Potential energy for given polynomial""" r, coefs = self._split_args(args) v = [r**float(i) * c for (i,c) in enumerate(coefs)] return sum(v) def deriv(self, *args): """Evaluate polynomial derivative. This function accepts a variable number of arguments - the first is :math:`r_{ij}` and with the remainder being the polynomial coefficients :math:`C_0, C_1, \dots, C_n` respectively. :return: derivative of polynomial at `r` """ r, coefs = self._split_args(args) v = [float(i) * r**float(i-1) * c for (i,c) in enumerate(coefs)][1:] return sum([0]+v) def deriv2(self, *args): """Evaluate polynomial second derivative. This function accepts a variable number of arguments - the first is :math:`r_{ij}` and with the remainder being the polynomial coefficients :math:`C_0, C_1, \dots, C_n` respectively. :return: 2nd derivative of polynomial at `r` """ r, coefs = self._split_args(args) v = [i * float(i-1) * r**float(i-2) * c for (i,c) in enumerate(coefs)][2:] return sum([0]+v)
[docs]polynomial = _polynomial()
class _sqrt(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable representing a square root potential form""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, G = sympy.symbols("r, G") return G * r**(1/2) def __call__(self, r, G): """Evaluate square root function at `r`. Potential function is: .. math :: U(r_{ij}) = G\sqrt{r_{ij}} :param r: Atomic separation. :param r: Variable :param G: Parameter :math:`G` :return: G multiplied by the square root of r.""" return G*math.sqrt(r) def deriv(self, r, G): """Evaluate derivative of square root function at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param r: Variable :param G: Parameter :math:`G` :return: Derivative at `r`. """ return (0.5 * G)/math.sqrt(r) def deriv2(self, r, G): """Evaluate second derivative of square root function at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param r: Variable :param G: Parameter :math:`G` :return: 2nd derivative at `r`. """ return -G/(4*r**(3/2))
[docs]sqrt = _sqrt()
class _tang_toennies(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable for Tang-Toennies potential form""" def _f2n(self, x, n): import sympy v = None for k in range(2*n+1): j = x**k / sympy.factorial(k) if v is None: v = j else: v = v+j return 1.0 - sympy.exp(-x) * v def _sp_second_term(self, r, b, C_6, C_8, C_10): n_3 = self._f2n(b*r, 3) * C_6/r**6 n_4 = self._f2n(b*r, 4) * C_8/r**8 n_5 = self._f2n(b*r, 5) * C_10/r**10 return n_3 + n_4 + n_5 def _as_sympy(self): import sympy A,b,C_6,C_8,C_10,r = sympy.symbols("A,b,C_6,C_8,C_10,r") r = r/0.5292 f = A*sympy.exp(-b*r) s = self._sp_second_term(r,b,C_6, C_8, C_10) v = (f-s)*27.211 return v def __call__(self, r, A,b,C_6,C_8,C_10): """Evaluate the Tang-Toennies potential form at a separation `r`. This potential form describes the Van der Waal's interactions between the noble gases (He to Rn) and is described in: * K.T. Tang and J.P. Toennies, “The van der Waals potentials between all the rare gas atoms from He to Rn”, *J. Chem. Phys.*\ , **118** (2003) 4976. The potential has the following form: .. math:: V(r) = A \\exp(-br) - \\sum_{n=3}^N f_{2N} (bR) \\frac{C_{2N}}{R^{2N}} Where: .. math:: f_{2N}(x) = 1- \\exp(-x) \\sum_{k=0}^{2n} \\frac{x^k}{k!} :param r: Separation. :param A: Potential parameter. :param b: Potential parameter. :param C_6: Potential parameter. :param C_8: Potential parameter. :param C_10: Potential parameter. :return: Potential evaluated at `r`.""" return 27.210999999999998522*A*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r) -\ 0.046875170184330419709*C_10*(-(0.00015997002473914140102*b**10*r**10 +\ 0.00084656137091953641977*b**9*r**9 + 0.0040320024974155677447*b**8*r**8 +\ 0.017069885773058547651*b**7*r**7 + 0.063233684857718089334*b**6*r**6 +\ 0.2007795961602264756*b**5*r**5 + 0.53126281143995923717*b**4*r**4 +\ 1.1245771192561058172*b**3*r**3 + 1.7853786345309936578*b**2*r**2 +\ 1.8896447467876038573*b*r + 1.0)*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r) + 1.0)/r**10 -\ 0.59767283277249427798*C_6*(-(0.063233684857718089334*b**6*r**6 +\ 0.2007795961602264756*b**5*r**5 + 0.53126281143995923717*b**4*r**4 +\ 1.1245771192561058172*b**3*r**3 + 1.7853786345309936578*b**2*r**2 +\ 1.8896447467876038573*b*r + 1.0)*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r) + 1.0)/r**6 -\ 0.16737985467421556685*C_8*(-(0.0040320024974155677447*b**8*r**8 +\ 0.017069885773058547651*b**7*r**7 + 0.063233684857718089334*b**6*r**6 +\ 0.2007795961602264756*b**5*r**5 + 0.53126281143995923717*b**4*r**4 +\ 1.1245771192561058172*b**3*r**3 + 1.7853786345309936578*b**2*r**2 +\ 1.8896447467876038573*b*r + 1.0)*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r) + 1.0)/r**8 def deriv(self, r, A,b,C_6,C_8,C_10): """Evaluate the first derivative of Tang-Toennies potential form at a separation `r`. :param r: Separation. :param A: Potential parameter. :param b: Potential parameter. :param C_6: Potential parameter. :param C_8: Potential parameter. :param C_10: Potential parameter. :return: Derivative evaluated at `r`.""" return (-51.419123204837482888*A*b*r**11 - 0.000014169731923731671203*C_10*b**11*r**11 - 0.000074986221340387997341*C_10*b**10*r**10 -\ 0.00039682708333333333072*C_10*b**9*r**9 - 0.0018900080324999999661*C_10*b**8*r**8 - 0.0080015380063920005238*C_10*b**7*r**7 -\ 0.029640897390878523376*C_10*b**6*r**6 - 0.094115777395517505322*C_10*b**5*r**5 - 0.24903034698853929174*C_10*b**4*r**4 -\ 0.5271474385053400713*C_10*b**3*r**3 - 0.83689927337107783423*C_10*b**2*r**2 - 0.88577419093594889077*C_10*b*r +\ 0.46875170184330416934*C_10*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) - 0.46875170184330416934*C_10 - 0.071415448895607608337*C_6*b**7*r**11 -\ 0.22675833333333325625*C_6*b**6*r**10 - 0.720003059999999806*C_6*b**5*r**9 - 1.9051280967599995009*C_6*b**4*r**8 -\ 4.0327751552215671538*C_6*b**3*r**7 - 6.4024338364297603832*C_6*b**2*r**6 - 6.7763359724772591619*C_6*b*r**5 +\ 3.5860369966349656679*C_6*r**4*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) - 3.5860369966349656679*C_6*r**4 - 0.0012752758731358502728*C_8*b**9*r**11 -\ 0.0053990079365079353749*C_8*b**8*r**10 - 0.022857239999999997421*C_8*b**7*r**9 - 0.084672359855999981826*C_8*b**6*r**8 -\ 0.2688516770147711954*C_8*b**5*r**7 - 0.71138153738108456103*C_8*b**4*r**6 - 1.5058524383282798631*C_8*b**3*r**5 -\ 2.3906913310899771119*C_8*b**2*r**4 - 2.5303077048256321646*C_8*b*r**3 + 1.3390388373937245348*C_8*r**2*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) -\ 1.3390388373937245348*C_8*r**2)*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r)/r**11 def deriv2(self, r, A,b,C_6,C_8,C_10): """Evaluate the second derivative of Tang-Toennies potential form at a separation `r`. :param r: Separation. :param A: Potential parameter. :param b: Potential parameter. :param C_6: Potential parameter. :param C_8: Potential parameter. :param C_10: Potential parameter. :return: Second derivative evaluated at `r`.""" return 1.0*(97.163876048445729339*A*b**2*r**12 +\ 0.000026775759493068161437*C_10*b**12*r**12 + 0.00014169731923731671203*C_10*b**11*r**11 +\ 0.0008248484347442676997*C_10*b**10*r**10 + 0.0043650979166666662584*C_10*b**9*r**9 +\ 0.02079008835750000006*C_10*b**8*r**8 + 0.088016918070311991884*C_10*b**7*r**7 +\ 0.32604987129966372938*C_10*b**6*r**6 + 1.0352735513506925447*C_10*b**5*r**5 + 2.7393338168739322924*C_10*b**4*r**4 +\ 5.7986218235587401182*C_10*b**3*r**3 + 9.2058920070818572867*C_10*b**2*r**2 + 9.7435161002954373544*C_10*b*r -\ 5.1562687202763459737*C_10*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) + 5.1562687202763459737*C_10 + 0.13494982784506348583*C_6*b**8*r**12 +\ 0.428492693373645539*C_6*b**7*r**11 + 1.587308333333332433*C_6*b**6*r**10 + 5.040021419999998642*C_6*b**5*r**9 +\ 13.335896677319995618*C_6*b**4*r**8 + 28.229426086550969188*C_6*b**3*r**7 + 44.817036855008325347*C_6*b**2*r**6 +\ 47.434351807340810581*C_6*b*r**5 - 25.102258976444758787*C_6*r**4*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) + 25.102258976444758787*C_6*r**4 +\ 0.0024098183543761341092*C_8*b**10*r**12 + 0.010202206985086802182*C_8*b**9*r**11 + 0.048591071428571420976*C_8*b**8*r**10 +\ 0.2057151599999999525*C_8*b**7*r**9 + 0.76205123870399982255*C_8*b**6*r**8 + 2.4196650931329406475*C_8*b**5*r**7 +\ 6.4024338364297603832*C_8*b**4*r**6 + 13.552671944954518324*C_8*b**3*r**5 + 21.516221979809795783*C_8*b**2*r**4 +\ 22.772769343430688593*C_8*b*r**3 - 12.051349536543520813*C_8*r**2*math.exp(1.8896447467876*b*r) + 12.051349536543520813*C_8*r**2)*math.exp(-1.8896447467876*b*r)/r**12
[docs]tang_toennies = _tang_toennies()
class _zbl(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable representing ZBL potential.""" Ck1=0.1818 Ck2=0.5099 Ck3=0.2802 Ck4=0.02817 Bk1=3.2 Bk2=0.9423 Bk3=0.4029 Bk4=0.2016 def _as_sympy(self): import sympy Ck1, Ck2, Ck3, Ck4, Bk1, Bk2, Bk3, Bk4 = sympy.symbols("Ck1:5,Bk1:5") z1, z2, r = sympy.symbols("z1, z2, r") a=(0.8854*0.529)/(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23) f = 14.39942 * (z1*z2)/r * (Ck1*sympy.exp((-Bk1*r)/a) + Ck2*sympy.exp((-Bk2*r)/a) + Ck3*sympy.exp((-Bk3*r)/a) + Ck4*sympy.exp((-Bk4*r)/a)) return f def __call__(self, r, z1,z2): """ZBL potential. Ziegler-Biersack-Littmark screened nuclear repulsion for describing high energy interactions. :param r: Atomic separation. :param z1: Atomic number of species i :param z2: Atomic number of species j :return: Potential energy""" a=(0.8854*0.529)/(float(z1)**0.23 + float(z2)**0.23) return 14.39942 * (z1*z2)/r * (self.Ck1*math.exp((-self.Bk1*r)/a) + self.Ck2*math.exp((-self.Bk2*r)/a) + self.Ck3*math.exp((-self.Bk3*r)/a) + self.Ck4*math.exp((-self.Bk4*r)/a)) def deriv(self, r, z1, z2): """Evaluate derivative of ZBL function at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param z1: Atomic number of species i :param z2: Atomic number of species j :return: Derivative of function""" v = -14.39942*z1*z2*(self.Ck1*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ * (self.Bk2 + self.Bk3 + self.Bk4))\ + self.Ck2*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk3 + self.Bk4))\ + self.Ck3*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk2 + self.Bk4))\ + self.Ck4*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk2 + self.Bk3))\ + 2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1*self.Ck1*math.exp(2.13503407300877\ *r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)*(self.Bk2 + self.Bk3 + self.Bk4))\ + self.Bk2*self.Ck2*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk3 + self.Bk4))\ + self.Bk3*self.Ck3*math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk2 + self.Bk4)) + self.Bk4*self.Ck4\ *math.exp(2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk2 + self.Bk3))))\ *math.exp(-2.13503407300877*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)\ *(self.Bk1 + self.Bk2 + self.Bk3 + self.Bk4))/r**2 return v def deriv2(self, r, z1, z2): """Evaluate second derivative of ZBL function at `r`. :param r: Atomic separation. :param z1: Atomic number of species i :param z2: Atomic number of species j :return: 2nd derivative of function""" v = z1*z2*(65.6378912429954*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)**2* \ (self.Bk1**2*self.Ck1*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk1*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk2**2*self.Ck2*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk2*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk3**2*self.Ck3*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk3*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk4**2*self.Ck4*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk4*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23))) + \ 28.79884*(2.13503407300877*z1**0.23 + 2.13503407300877*z2**0.23)* \ (self.Bk1*self.Ck1*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk1*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk2*self.Ck2*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk2*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk3*self.Ck3*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk3*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ self.Bk4*self.Ck4*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk4*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)))/r + \ (28.79884*self.Ck1*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk1*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ 28.79884*self.Ck2*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk2*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ 28.79884*self.Ck3*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk3*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)) + \ 28.79884*self.Ck4*math.exp(-2.13503407300877*self.Bk4*r*(z1**0.23 + z2**0.23)))/r**2)/r return v
[docs]zbl = _zbl()
class _zero(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable that returns 0.0 for any given input""" def __call__(self, r): """Returns 0.0 for any value of r. :param r: Separation. :return: Returns 0.0""" return 0.0 def deriv(self, r): """Derivative function - always returns 0.0""" return 0.0 def deriv2(self, r): """Second derivative function - always returns 0.0""" return 0.0
[docs]zero = _zero()
class _exp_spline(_Potential_Function_Base): """Callable representing exponential spline""" def _as_sympy(self): import sympy r, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C = sympy.symbols("r, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C") return sympy.exp(B0 + B1*r + B2*r**2 + B3*r**3 + B4*r**4 + B5*r**5) + C def __call__(self, r, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C): """Exponential spline function (as used in splining routines). .. math:: U(r_{ij}) = \exp \left( B_0 + B_1 r_{ij} + B_2 r_{ij}^2 + B_3 r_{ij}^3 + B_4 r_{ij}^4 + B_5 r_{ij}^5 \\right) + C :param r: Atomic separation :param B0: Spline coefficient :param B1: Spline coefficient :param B2: Spline coefficient :param B3: Spline coefficient :param B4: Spline coefficient :param B5: Spline coefficient :param C: C parameter :return: Splined values""" return math.exp(B0 + B1*r + B2*r**2 + B3*r**3 + B4*r**4 + B5*r**5) + C def deriv(self, r, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C): """Derivative of exponential spline. :param r: Atomic separation :param B0: Spline coefficient :param B1: Spline coefficient :param B2: Spline coefficient :param B3: Spline coefficient :param B4: Spline coefficient :param B5: Spline coefficient :param C: C parameter :return: Derivative of spline at `r`""" return (B1 + r*(2*B2 + r*(3*B3 + 4*B4*r + 5*B5*r**2))) * math.exp(B0 + r*(B1 + r*(B2 + r*(B3 + r*(B4 + B5*r))))) def deriv2(self, r, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, C): """Second derivative of exponential spline. :param r: Atomic separation :param B0: Spline coefficient :param B1: Spline coefficient :param B2: Spline coefficient :param B3: Spline coefficient :param B4: Spline coefficient :param B5: Spline coefficient :param C: C parameter :return: 2nd derivative of spline at `r`""" return (2*B2 + 6*B3*r + 12*B4*r**2 + 20*B5*r**3 \ + (B1 + 2*B2*r + 3*B3*r**2 + 4*B4*r**3 + 5*B5*r**4)**2) \ * math.exp(B0 + B1*r + B2*r**2 + B3*r**3 + B4*r**4 + B5*r**5)
[docs]exp_spline = _exp_spline()