Source code for atsim.potentials.spline

import math

from .._util import gradient

from ..potentialforms import polynomial, exp_spline

[docs]class Spline_Point(object): """Class for the attachment and detachment points of potential objects and region to be splined""" def __init__(self, potential_function, r): """Create object which evaluates the value and 1st and 2nd derivatives of `potential` at a point `r`. :param potential_function: Function to be evaluated, this is a callable accepting a single argument. :param r: The point at which function should be evaluated""" self._potential_function = potential_function self._r = r self._deriv_callable = gradient(self._potential_function) self._deriv2_callable = gradient(self._deriv_callable) @property
[docs] def potential_function(self): """Potential function""" return self._potential_function
[docs] def r(self): """Value at which splining takes place""" return self._r
[docs] def v(self): """Value of `potential_function` at `r`""" return self.potential_function(self.r)
[docs] def deriv(self): """First derivative of `potential_function`: dv/dr(r)""" return self._deriv_callable(self.r)
[docs] def deriv2(self): """Second derivative of `potential_function`: d2v/dr^2(r)""" return self._deriv2_callable(self.r)
[docs] def deriv_callable(self): return self._deriv_callable
[docs] def deriv2_callable(self): return self._deriv2_callable
[docs]class Exp_Spline(object): """Class for represention splines of the form: .. math:: U(r_{ij}) = \exp \left( B_0 + B_1 r_{ij} + B_2 r_{ij}^2 + B_3 r_{ij}^3 + B_4 r_{ij}^4 + B_5 r_{ij}^5 \\right) + C The spline coefficients :math:`B_{0...5}` and `C` can be obtained using the :meth:`~atsim.potentials.Exp_Spline.spline_coefficients` property. """ def __init__(self, detach_point, attach_point): """Create a callable object that is an exponential spline between `detach_point` and `attach_point`. :param detach_point: Instance of Spline_Point giving start of spline. :param attach_point: Instance of Spline_Point giving end of spline.""" self._detach_point = detach_point self._attach_point = attach_point self._coefficients = self._init_spline_coefficients() self._spline_callable = exp_spline(*self.spline_coefficients) def _init_spline_coefficients(self): #Calculate coefficients of the exponential function import numpy as np sx = self.detach_point.r sy = self.detach_point.v sdydx = self.detach_point.deriv sddydx = self.detach_point.deriv2 ex = self.attach_point.r ey = self.attach_point.v edydx = self.attach_point.deriv eddydx = self.attach_point.deriv2 inter = 0.0 #Can't take log of negative number, translate data upwards if sy <=0.0 or ey <= 0.0: inter = 1.0 - min([sy, ey]) sy += inter ey += inter inter = -inter A = np.array( [[1.0 , sx , sx**2 , sx**3 , sx**4 , sx**5 ] , [1.0 , ex , ex**2 , ex**3 , ex**4 , ex**5] , [0.0 , 1.0 , 2.0*sx , 3.0*sx**2 , 4.0*sx**3 , 5.0*sx**4] , [0.0 , 1.0 , 2.0*ex , 3.0*ex**2 , 4.0*ex**3 , 5.0*ex**4] , [0.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 , 6.0*sx , 12.0*sx**2 , 20.0*sx**3] , [0.0 , 0.0 , 2.0 , 6.0*ex , 12.0*ex**2 , 20.0*ex**3]]) B = np.array([ math.log(sy), math.log(ey), sdydx / sy, edydx / ey, (sddydx/sy)-((sdydx**2)/(sy**2)), (eddydx/ey)-((edydx**2)/(ey**2)) ]) coefficients = [float(c) for c in np.linalg.solve(A,B)] coefficients.append(inter) return tuple(coefficients) @property
[docs] def detach_point(self): """Spline_Point giving start of splined region""" return self._detach_point
[docs] def attach_point(self): """Spline_Point giving end of splined region""" return self._attach_point
[docs] def spline_coefficients(self): """Coefficients for spline_function""" return self._coefficients
[docs] def __call__(self, r): return self._spline_callable(r)
[docs] def deriv(self, r): return self._spline_callable.deriv(r)
[docs] def deriv2(self, r): return self._spline_callable.deriv2(r)
[docs]class Buck4_Spline(object): """Class for representing the splined part of the four ranged Buckingham potential. Between the detachment point and `r_min` this is a 5th order polynomial: .. math:: U(r_{ij}) = A_0 + A_1 r_{ij} + A_2 r_{ij}^2 + A_3 r_{ij}^3 + A_4 r_{ij}^4 + A_5 r_{ij}^5 and between `r_min` and the re-attachment point a 3rd order spline is used: .. math:: U(r_{ij}) = B0 + B_1 r_{ij} + B_2 r_{ij}^2 + B_3 r_{ij}^3 The spline coefficients :math:`A_{0..5}` and :math:`B_{0..3}` are solved such that the the spline values match with the potential functions at the detach and re-attachment points and r_min. They are continuous in their first and second derivatives across these points and where the two splines meet at `r_min`. Finally, the derivative at `r_min` is set to be 0 with the aim of creating a minimum.""" def __init__(self, detach_point, attach_point, r_min): """Create a callable object that represents the Buckingham-4 type spline between `detach_point` and `attach_point`. :param detach_point: Instance of :class:`Spline_Point` giving start of spline. :param attach_point: Instance of :class:`Spline_Point` giving end of spline. :param r_min: Minimum value to be formed between the detach and reattachment points.""" self._detach_point = detach_point self._attach_point = attach_point self._r_min = r_min self._init_spline_coefficients() def _init_spline_coefficients(self): r_dp = self.detach_point.r r_dp2 = r_dp**2 r_dp3 = r_dp**3 r_dp4 = r_dp**4 r_dp5 = r_dp**5 r_min = self.r_min r_min2 = r_min**2 r_min3 = r_min**3 r_min4 = r_min**4 r_min5 = r_min**5 r_ap = self.attach_point.r r_ap2 = r_ap**2 r_ap3 = r_ap**3 import numpy as np M = [ 1, r_dp, r_dp2 , r_dp3 , r_dp4 , r_dp5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, 1 , 2*r_dp , 3*r_dp2 , 4*r_dp3 , 5*r_dp4 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, 0 , 2 , 6*r_dp , 12*r_dp2 , 20*r_dp3 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, 1 , 2*r_min, 3*r_min2, 4*r_min3 , 5*r_min4 , 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , 1,r_min, r_min2 , r_min3 , r_min4 , r_min5 , -1, -r_min, -r_min2 , -r_min3 , 0,1 , 2*r_min, 3*r_min2, 4*r_min3 , 5*r_min4 , 0 , -1 , -2*r_min, -3*r_min2, 0, 0 , 2 , 6*r_min , 12*r_min2, 20*r_min3, 0 , 0 , -2 , -6*r_min , 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , r_ap , r_ap2 , r_ap3 , 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2*r_ap , 3*r_ap2 , 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 2 , 6*r_ap] M = np.reshape(M, (10,10)) V = [ self.detach_point.v, self.detach_point.deriv, self.detach_point.deriv2, 0, 0, 0, 0, self.attach_point.v, self.attach_point.deriv, self.attach_point.deriv2 ] V = np.reshape(V, (10,1)) coefficients = np.linalg.solve(M,V) coefficients = coefficients.flatten().tolist() self._spline5 = polynomial(*coefficients[:6]) self._spline3 = polynomial(*coefficients[6:]) @property
[docs] def detach_point(self): """Spline_Point giving start of splined region""" return self._detach_point
[docs] def attach_point(self): """Spline_Point giving end of splined region""" return self._attach_point
[docs] def r_min(self): """Position of minimum""" return self._r_min
[docs] def spline_coefficients(self): """Spline coefficients as list of form [A_0, A_1, A_2, A_3, A_4, A_5, B_0, B_1, B_2, B_3]""" return self.spline5.args + self.spline3.args
[docs] def spline5(self): """Callable (atsim.potentials.potentialfunctions.polynomial) object representing the fifth order section of the buck4 spline - between `detach_point` and `r_min`""" return self._spline5
[docs] def spline3(self): """Callable (atsim.potentials.potentialfunctions.polynomial) object representing the fifth order section of the buck4 spline - between `detach_point` and `r_min`""" return self._spline3
def _which_spline(self, r): if r < self.r_min: return self.spline5 else: return self.spline3
[docs] def __call__(self, r): spline = self._which_spline(r) return spline(r)
[docs] def deriv(self, r): return self._which_spline(r).deriv(r)
[docs] def deriv2(self, r): return self._which_spline(r).deriv2(r)
[docs]class Custom_SplinePotential(object): """Callable to allow splining of one potential to another""" def __init__(self, spline): """Adapts spline objects such as :class:`Exp_Spline` and :class:`Buck4_Spline` to have the same interface as :class:`SplinePotential` :param spline: Instance of a spline object such as :class:`Exp_Spline` and :class:`Buck4_Spline` """ self._spline = self._interpolationFunction = spline self._detach_point = self._spline.detach_point self._attach_point = self._spline.attach_point self._init_deriv() def _init_deriv(self): # This isn't technically used as a point - but Spline_Point is used to conveniently set up the gradient callables. self._inter_point = Spline_Point(self._interpolationFunction, None) # Expose a .deriv() method if any of components provide one natively. if hasattr(self._detach_point.potential_function, "deriv") or hasattr(self._attach_point.potential_function, "deriv") or hasattr(self._inter_point.potential_function, "deriv"): def deriv(self, r): return self._deriv(r) self.deriv = deriv.__get__(self) # Expose a .deriv2() method if any of components provide one natively. if hasattr(self._detach_point.potential_function, "deriv2") or hasattr(self._attach_point.potential_function, "deriv2") or hasattr(self._inter_point.potential_function, "deriv2"): def deriv2(self, r): return self._deriv2(r) self.deriv2 = deriv2.__get__(self) # The _deriv and _deriv2 methods are made public as deriv() and deriv2() by _init_deriv() if any of the component functions provide a deriv or deriv2 method. def _deriv(self, rij): if rij <= self.detachmentX: return self._detach_point.deriv_callable(rij) elif rij >= self.attachmentX: return self._attach_point.deriv_callable(rij) else: return self._inter_point.deriv_callable(rij) def _deriv2(self, rij): if rij <= self.detachmentX: return self._detach_point.deriv2_callable(rij) elif rij >= self.attachmentX: return self._attach_point.deriv2_callable(rij) else: return self._inter_point.deriv2_callable(rij) @property
[docs] def startPotential(self): """:return: Function defining potential for separations < ``detachmentX``""" return self._detach_point.potential_function
[docs] def endPotential(self): """:return: Function defining potential for separations > ``attachmentX``""" return self._attach_point.potential_function
[docs] def interpolationFunction(self): """:return: Spline object connecting startPotential and endPotential for separations ``detachmentX`` < rij < ``attachmentX``""" return self._interpolationFunction
[docs] def detachmentX(self): """:return: Point at which spline should start""" return self._detach_point.r
[docs] def attachmentX(self): """:return: Point at which spline should end""" return self._attach_point.r
[docs] def splineCoefficients(self): """:return: Tuple containing the seven coefficients of the spline polynomial""" return self._interpolationFunction.spline_coefficients
[docs] def __call__(self, rij): """:param rij: separation at which to evaluate splined potential :return: spline value""" if rij <= self.detachmentX: return self.startPotential(rij) elif rij >= self.attachmentX: return self.endPotential(rij) else: return self._interpolationFunction(rij)
[docs]class SplinePotential(Custom_SplinePotential): """Callable to allow splining of one potential to another using an exponential spline""" def __init__(self, startPotential, endPotential, detachmentX, attachmentX): """Joins ``startPotential`` to ``endPotential`` using spline of form: .. math:: U(r_{ij}) = \exp \left( B_0 + B_1 r_{ij} + B_2 r_{ij}^2 + B_3 r_{ij}^3 + B_4 r_{ij}^4 + B_5 r_{ij}^5 \\right) + C The spline coefficients :math:`B_{0...5}` can be obtained using the :meth:`~atsim.potnetials.SplinePotential.splineCoefficients` property. .. seealso:: * :ref:`spline_interpolation` * :ref:`example_spline` * :class:`Exp_Spline` - for details of the class which actually performs splining. :param startPotential: Function defining potential for rij <= detachmentX :param endPotential: Function defining potential for rij => attachmentX :param detachmentX: rij value at which startPotential should end :param attachmentX: rij value at which splines join endPotential""" detach_point = Spline_Point(startPotential, detachmentX) attach_point = Spline_Point(endPotential, attachmentX) spline = Exp_Spline(detach_point, attach_point) super(SplinePotential, self).__init__(spline)
[docs]class Buck4_SplinePotential(Custom_SplinePotential): """Callable to allow splining of one potential to another using the Buck4 spline type""" def __init__(self, startPotential, endPotential, detachmentX, attachmentX, r_min): """Joins ``startPotential`` to ``endPotential`` using :class:`Buck4_Spline`. This class is provided for convenience to make instantiating a :class:`Custom_SplinePotential` using this spline type more straightforward. .. seealso:: * :ref:`spline_interpolation` * :class:`Buck4_Spline` - for details of the class which actually performs splining. :param startPotential: Function defining potential for rij <= detachmentX :param endPotential: Function defining potential for rij => attachmentX :param detachmentX: rij value at which startPotential should end :param attachmentX: rij value at which splines join endPotential :param r_min: rij value for Buck4 spline minimum.""" detach_point = Spline_Point(startPotential, detachmentX) attach_point = Spline_Point(endPotential, attachmentX) spline = Buck4_Spline(detach_point, attach_point, r_min) super(Buck4_SplinePotential, self).__init__(spline)