:orphan: :mod:`atsim.potentials._dlpoly_writeTABEAM` =========================================== .. py:module:: atsim.potentials._dlpoly_writeTABEAM .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Module containing functions for creating DL_POLY TABEAM files Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: atsim.potentials._dlpoly_writeTABEAM.writeTABEAM atsim.potentials._dlpoly_writeTABEAM.writeTABEAMFinnisSinclair .. function:: writeTABEAM(nrho, drho, nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out=sys.stdout, title='') Create ``TABEAM`` file for use with the ``DL_POLY`` simulation code. .. seealso :: For a working example using this function see :ref:`eam_example_2b` :param nrho: Number of entries in tabulated embedding functions :type nrho: int :param drho: Step size between consecutive embedding function entries :type drho: float :param nr: Number of entries in tabulated pair potentials and density functions :type nr: int :param dr: Step size between entries in tabulated pair potentials and density functions :type dr: float :param eampots: Potentials List of potentials.EAMPotential objects :type eam: list :param pair: Potentials List of potentials.Potential objects :type pairpots: list :param out: Python file object to which TABEAM data should be written :type out: file object :param title: Title of TABEAM file :type title: str .. function:: writeTABEAMFinnisSinclair(nrho, drho, nr, dr, eampots, pairpots, out=sys.stdout, title='') Create Exended EAM variant of DL_POLY ``TABEAM`` file. The :class:`~atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` instances within the ``eampots`` list are expected to provide individual density functions for each species pair in the species being tabulated. See :meth:`~atsim.potentials.EAMPotential.__init__` for how these are specified to the :class:`~atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` constructor. .. note :: The Extended EAM variant for which this function creates ``TABEAM`` files (i.e. metal potential type = eeam) is only supported in DL_POLY versions >= 4.05. .. seealso :: For a working example using this function see :ref:`eam_example_3b` :param nrho: Number of entries in tabulated embedding functions :type nrho: int :param drho: Step size between consecutive embedding function entries :type drho: float :param nr: Number of entries in tabulated pair potentials and density functions :type nr: int :param dr: Step size between entries in tabulated pair potentials and density functions :type dr: float :param eampots: Potentials List of :class:`atsim.potentials.EAMPotential` objects :type eam: list :param pairpots: Potentials List of :class:`atsim.potentials.Potential` objects :type pairpots: list :param out: Python file object to which ``TABEAM`` data should be written :type out: file object :param title: Title of TABEAM file :type title: str