:orphan: :mod:`atsim.potentials._eam_potential` ====================================== .. py:module:: atsim.potentials._eam_potential Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: atsim.potentials._eam_potential.EAMPotential .. py:class:: EAMPotential(species, atomicNumber, mass, embeddingFunction, electronDensityFunction, latticeConstant=0.0, latticeType='fcc') Bases: :class:`object` Class used to describe a particular species within EAM potential models. This class is a container for the functions and attributes necesary for describing the many-body component of an Embedded Atom potential Model. .. method:: embeddingValue(self, density) Method that returns energy for given electron density. This method simply passes ``density`` to the callable stored in the ``embeddingFunction`` and returns its value. :param density: Electron density. :type density: float :return: Energy for given density (as given by ``self.embeddingFunction``). :rtype: float .. method:: electronDensity(self, separation) Gives the 'electron' density for an atom separated from current species by ``separation``. This is a pass-through method to callable stored in current instance's ``electronDensityFunction`` attribute. .. :warning:: In cases where the ``electronDensityFunction`` attribute has been set to a dictionary, (for instance, when density functions specific to particular pairs of species are required), this method should not be used :param separation: Separation (in angstroms) between atom represented by this object and another atom. :type separation: float. :return: Contribution to electron density due to given pair separation. :rtype: float.