:orphan: :mod:`atsim.potentials._tablereaders` ===================================== .. py:module:: atsim.potentials._tablereaders Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: atsim.potentials._tablereaders.TableReaderBase atsim.potentials._tablereaders.DatReader .. py:class:: TableReaderBase(fileobj, inputConvert=None, outputConvert=None) Bases: :class:`list` Abstract base class for linearly interpolated base classes, classes inheriting from TableReaderBase must implement _populate method that accepts a file object and populates self (TableReaderBase inherits from list), with ordered (x,y) tuples .. method:: getValue(self, x) Returns y value for given x value, using linear interpolation if x lies between data-points. If x is out of the range described by this object then returns 0.0 @param x x-value for which y value should be calculated @return y value for given x-position .. py:class:: DatReader(fileobj, inputConvert=None, outputConvert=None) Bases: :class:`atsim.potentials._tablereaders.TableReaderBase` Class that reads space separated data from a text file providing linearly interpolated value lookups through getValue() method